sunnuntai 31. tammikuuta 2016

December 1624 - Day 20

So the year is closing in 5 days, and it is about time to finish the health challenge for the year. But first a few words about the time scaling in CK. The principles are mostly realistic, so that:
1. One year gametime happens in one week realtime. Characters (except the Ancients) can live about 70-80 years if well taken care of, but can also die in any age before that.
2. One month gametime is one day realtime, so there are only 7 months in a year - travel times are still expressed in months.
(January - March - May - July - September - November - December).
3. One day gametime is one hour realtime, so there are only 24 days in a month. Smaller logistical delays, times for preparations, etc. are handled in days, so if it takes "2 days" to do something, it takes 2 hours realtime, even though the year in the game has only 168 days, and consequently the year can fit much fewer such periods of 2 days than a realyear can.
4. The exact time has 24 hours in a day and 60 minutes in an hour, and since day passes in 60 real-minutes, this means that a gamehour = 2.5 minutes and gameminute = 2.5 seconds.

The above might be confusing, but luckily the health challenge is already very easy and we can soon cease posting about it every day... So, the starting situation is:

You may still eat 35 units, drink 60 units and use 150 units of wisdom this year. Your remaining health challenge is Significant. Your overall health is Excellent

And the variety bonus is left for meat. The market prices have finally crashed and not only meat and vegetables are available at the mean prices of 5k/1k (after being as high as 15k/10k), Martti's bids have been sold into and pigs slaughtered so that he has hundreds of both in stock already! So selecting 20*MEAT and 15*VEG to fill the quota (arbitrary decision, anything between 0/35 to 35/0 could have done), the remaining is Moderate, exactly as planned. There is still quota left for mead or herbs, but since Martti does not have either in stock, and buying for this purpose does not quite cut it, this ends up being the 3rd year of ending challenge Moderate.

The day's speculation opportunity is S-B22. This item is a share of the new borough between Old Town and San Pietro. By walking 2 times to the south in the Town Map, there is a blank page showing "22-NE". This will be opened for building, very good and central land, when the Project is finished. It is possible to participate each year by sending 50*SCI to the project by 
CONSUME SCI 50 [S-B22]. Generating that much SCI per year is next to impossible, but it can be bought at about 0.234 mil/SCI currently, so participation costs 11.7 mil. The payout is 1*S-B22, which can instantly be sold at 13.5 mil, or hoped that someone will buy it at ask at a higher price. Churning money like this is about 15% annual return, so well comparable to pigs and such. Previously the arbitrage was even higher, but has been going down gradually. The reason how this is existing is that participation per character is limited, yet some are more interested in a large number of the shares.

Martti's finances do not currently allow participation, but he does have a pig for sale at 3.1 mil - if that one is bought, and the promotion comes, and salary comes, and whatnot, perhaps next year the liquid funds reach that 10 million level that will allow speculation on this stock!

lauantai 30. tammikuuta 2016

November 1624 - Day 19

Difficult market situation in vegetables persists... for no obvious reason, the Farmers are trying to ask 4-5x the normal price for the food, but the NPC's (representing 90% of the demand) do not have money to buy it. Hopefully this resolves peacefully without revolt...

Martti's produce got sold even at the high prices, but the garden yielded an additional 33*VEG, which now gets eaten, as well as the 30*MEAD. Meat price is 10,000+ but before next month, the pigs will get slaughtered. Martti has the following health situation:
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Significant. I could still eat 35, drink 60 and use 150 units of wisdom this year.All variety bonuses for typical items have been collected already except that of meat, and next month there will be that available. Consuming about 20-30 units of meat, filling the quota with VEG, and depending on availability, drink or smoke some, would take this 3rd health challenge to Moderate as well as the previous ones have been. That should be a reasonable target, which does not allow the health to degrade too quickly.

Martti's number of items in the wake of the hopeful promotion to L4, has gone down to 10 - so many have been sold so it's possible to list all that he has and their purpose:


- 4-SW-F11 Free Land Lot #11 (land 250 sqm)- WOS-E1 Green Artesan Suit (will be current until L5)
- MIN-3 Ming China Soup Bowl (Martti's coveted "heirloom" he bought the first year)

Production of consumables
- 4*PIG (meat)

- 2*DIS ("distillery", mead)
- S-VE1 (vegetable garden, veg)
- S-CAN (herb garden, can)

Trading capital

- 2,894,541 moneretos (money)- 5*W1614 (good wine, merchandise)
- THS1 (3 CKS silver ring, was gifted to all L3's by Town Hall, no special value to Martti who does not know Town Hall)
The listing shows that most of Martti's funds are tied on "limited production items", of which only DIS he can still buy more, others are maxxed out. When his wealth grows from here, it will have to find more competitive places to invest, with lower yields as the quantities are not limited and large players are pressing yields down. Right now, however, Martti goes to sleep hopefully waking up as L4 Novice!

Progress Tracker
Wealth: 22/1000
Level: 3/14

perjantai 29. tammikuuta 2016

September 1624 - Day 18

A new company is being established - Palazzo Gaming Corp. is having its IPO right now. The buzz is very great, and the valuation of the new venture has surpassed NewCorp (a massive private land speculation and holding company), RWWC (the monopoly manufacturer of weapons, windows and carriages) and Grand Hotel Corp (largest hotel chain).

Martti is not participating - first of all it requires gold, and that Martti does not possess! So his worries are more mundane - what to eat now as the food should be its cheapest... WHAT?! There is some market disruption going on, VEG costs 4,000 m! Also meat is very expensive. So plan changes right away - sell all foodstuffs and consume 50*CAN instead. The pigs will bring meat to the table later in the year. Strange, markets, strange.

In waiting for the festivities, promotion, etc. this is all for now.

torstai 28. tammikuuta 2016

July 1624 - Day 17

In July it pays to wake up early, and participate in the Vegetable Rush, usually starting around 8th-12th July. This year, 3,680*VEG was brought to the town in this special early, special healthy batch that will also spoil quickly in the heat if not consumed.

Because the rush may happen quickly, Martti lists the VEG for sale in 4-5k range before doing anything else. We are not talking about big money per character, probably unless it is gone before writing this is over, Martti will just eat them. If they are gone, he will buy some meat, which is more expensive but also grants variety bonus, which is not valid for VEG anymore this year, because Martti consumed them in January already.

There were not many trades completed meanwhile. Martti's pig (one of the 4) had been for sale for 2.5 mil and not sold, due to 2 "new ones" still being for sale at 2 mil. The ask is now raised to 2.9 mil because Martti would not actually want to sell the pig just before the slaughter.

The VEG had not been sold in a few minutes, so Martti ate them. Some additional consumption of mead was done as well, and the challenge remains at Severe. With very little funds due to everything being tied up in 4 pigs, there is not much to do in that front.

So it is possible to explore new ones, at least tentatively. Silver coins open a new possibility for buying and selling, because they are constantly being collected by those wishing to gain the SCB badge, and spreads are large. By having just a few coins in stock at one time, the capital would be able to circulate reasonably fast. This might be a good business after all the "commoner limited" production items are fully in use.

The main player in the coins market is King's Coinshop, which also includes Royal Mint. Silver coins come to market both from IC conversion (12 CKS versions) and from Royal Mint (5 CKS). They cost about 1-2 mil typically but may sell for 10s of millions. Coins can be smelted for raw silver, so there is a floor but no ceiling as to how high they can go. After taking the time to understanding the market, Martti leaves a few bids nevertheless.

keskiviikko 27. tammikuuta 2016

May 1624 - Day 16

The markets are truly hot this spring: In total, 39 records were made in Main Menu -> Changelog (filter "Martti") since he consumed 2*IC for wine last month! Soon, Main Menu -> Agora Marketplace (filter "MyItems"), will be the preferred way to handle it. But let's just check the most important:
- Salary, 0.7 mil for 1624, has been credited.
- WOS-F (grey clothes), were sold for 1.9 mil.
- 3*IC was sold at about the same price as bought last month.
- Wine has been converted (6*W1614).

MyItems confirmed that Martti is 17 years, debt-free, has 4.7 mil in the account, enough to eat and drink for a year, has a piece of land and WOS-E1 green clothes. Whoever said the game is slow-paced is certainly correct, but the gamemaster is wondering about how fast this is, rather...

This time of the year, vegetables are not good, so Martti turns to mead - that has the dividend round in the springtime so May is a good time to drink some. Especially as Martti had his own production of 200*MEAD, he first drinks 50 (the maximum amount to get variety bonus and more than the max for frequency bonus). This does not have noticeable effect, but there is no penalty for saving the rest for later as the bonuses were cashed already.

The game is not a game without badges. The intention of CK is that character achievements in all levels would be heralded with badges. In higher levels, it is also possible to get medals, titles, honors and knighthoods. The badge consists of 2 things:

- Decoration is the immaterial status of having gained the badge.
- Token is the 14-gram copper round, which is separate and can be bought and sold, although usually after the holder of the Decoration has passed away.

Right now, badges are being reviewed and their tokens rearranged. 10 badges exist, and in the old times, when the total number was only 6, only six characters managed to get them all. Currently, these characters are King, Archduke, 2*Dukes, Prince and Marquess. Some of them were actually commoners when getting the badges! Martti regards this as an omen and heads to the market with the intention of gaining CCB (Copper Collector Badge), which is rewarded for 10 different copper coins. Understandably the GCB for 100 different gold coins is out of reach.

The listing talks its harsh language: out of 68 different, only 4 recent tokens with high mintages can be gained in the sub-1 mil range, and anything above for a collection is unthinkable at this age, when the wealth is yet to be made.

So the last action after trimming the bids and asks is to buy 1 in the last 4 pigs for sale. Martti had heard from ChrisPop in the tavern that he had not managed to secure a S-VE1. Martti wanted 4 pigs but it will have to be 3 for now (he had 2), the sales stock is certainly gone when next login...

Oh, but what does a businessman do? Of course buys the fourth pig and lists it at a slight profit at 2.5 mil! Let's do this still :)

tiistai 26. tammikuuta 2016

March 1624 - Day 15

This winter has not been as bad for vegetables, they are still in the market available at 1,450. Because Martti ate 100 already and it is only March, it is reasonable to check other options for the monthly consumption first:
- Martti only has 2 kilos of foie gras in his possession, and that is merchandise, of course.
- Meat costs 6,900, mead 1,600, beer 3,590, and herbs 1,650.
- From these options, Martti buys a salvo of 40*BEER and consumes it immediately, with no change in health challenge remaining report.

Martti notices that despite it being March already, the salaries have not arrived. Town is in full boom though. Perhaps it is the Royal Palace fire that has delayed things. Also the death report, mead production, etc are not yet there.

Let's check the happenings since last:
- WOS-E1 (green suit) bid filled at 1.36
- 5*IC bought at 0.93 <- this was probably a bad deal, IC is plummeting
- DIS gained at 0.63
- WOS-G (brown suit) sold at 1.10
- WOS-E1 sold at 3.25 (!! - a similar one was just bought 1.89 lower - !!)

Excellent, excellent! This was truly a lucky round with L4 promotion requirements still fulfilled! It reminds Martti of the Jubilee Raffle when he also held tickets last year when they were priced in the sub-1 mil range. That one has reached the final rounds, with the Baronet letters awarded today. One commoner was promoted in the instant, all the four others had been nobles already and even held several baronetcies.

First thing to check is whether the IC could be put to use! IC can be spelled out "international currency" (although originally it was "items credits"). It allows many things to be created anew and brought to the game, from fungible wines and silver coins, to unique items. The still current IC conversion table is here, but it will update every 1-2 years.

Typically characters in this level do not get IC, because it starts really when purchasing a home, so not many of the items are of interest. Even wine prices have been pressured but hey, let's give is a try and CONSUME IC 2 [W1614] . The effect should be that 6 bottles of the wine in question arrives to Martti's location soon. The rest of the IC is put for sale and lowballs added to the market as well.

The lowballs have worked so well that despite DIS etc. production round coming soon, no equipment is bought at the asking price, instead waiting for someone to dump. In the suits, the green one will now be Martti's everyday suit, and only the others are for speculation.

maanantai 25. tammikuuta 2016

January 1624 - Day 14

The charred remains of the Royal Palace are not smoking any more. Since Martti left the balance negative, he concentrates on that rather. After all, it was not his home.

The Changelog shows that Martti's meat and veggies have been sold, but more importantly, also a pig and the BUT-2 were sold, so that the purse is again full. Interesting is that a supposed lowball of about 2 mil for a green suit (more fancy than the grey one Martti has been eyeing), filled.
The market for cheaper clothes and suits, looks like this (ask/bid/Martti owns):
WOS-E1 - Artesan Green Suit 1621-1634 Era   (3.3/ - / 1)
WOS-F - Servant Grey Clothes   (1.3/ - / 0)
WOS-G - Peasant Brown Clothes   (1.0 / - / 1)

Especially as 16*WOS-E1 was just given as dividends in the Jubilee Raffle, Martti believes the greens to still be possible to acquire even if he sells his one. And grey should be available for less. Decisions, decisions... He will buy a grey from ask and list all 3 for sale at different prices, with the intention of making a buck, and ending up with at least one at least grey suit for the next promotion check.

Martti was planning to buy a DIS - because its dividend is next day - but doing it would reduce the funds to almost zero, and the speculation is important also. So this idea is scrapped and instead other bids placed in drinks and clothes (which did not have any bids, so might with luck be gotten cheap).

As for health challenge, vegetables were at a reasonable 1,500 m, so remembering last year's empty stomach, 100*VEG was bought and consumed, for Powerful effect.

Success tracker
Wealth: 17/1000
Level: 3/14

In 2 years, Martti's wealth has more than tripled. A large part of it has been one-time bonuses (Soul's starting gift), temporary programs (Town free land), limited number per character items (pig) and luck (quadrupling of raffle ticket overnight). But let's see how far this goes, it is looking very good now!

sunnuntai 24. tammikuuta 2016

December 1623 - Day 13

Terrible news! The greatest loss to the Kingdom ever since the Earthquake 25 years ago happened last night! The Royal Palace (main wing = centre) burned to the ground!! To get to see the Royal Palace, we will now first time explore the Town Map in detail. (The walking around the town is available for non-players, so the link works!) The Palace is the large building forming the north side of the Central Square. (Do not care about the graphics, they will get better over time :) )

The land of Crypto Kingdom is vast: by oxcart it takes 4 months to reach Plath to the south from CryptoTown, and even more to reach Ultima Thule, the mystical northest point in North Face. These and many others are Counties, where preparations for new towns are made, trade with locals conducted for mutual benefit and even battles fought! The Final Battle of the Campaign on the River 1623 was fought in Stonehaven county, just north of CryptoTown.

At present we have only one town, CryptoTown, soon 200 years old. It is divided to 25 boroughs and each is subdivided to 9 chapelries, for 225 chapelries in total. Each chapelry fits the screen, and consists of a continuous land area of 150x100 m. All the chapelries of a borough are likewise continuous and join each other. The boroughs are not exactly continuous, they have some space between them, but the navigation arrows lead to different boroughs directly. What is notable in practice is that the opened boroughs (numbers 1-9) do not form a continuous area but have unimplemented boroughs between them. The map is also much in development.

It is likely that CryptoTown will concentrate on developing this area for some time, it is 3.38 sq km, so can easily accommodate more people. There is even a proposal of a perimeter wall/fortification enclosing the whole area. Martti's unbuilt lot of 250 sqm is not small in the ancient era standards. For instance the "palace" of HRH Zechariah the Prince Royal, Heir to the Throne, is a modest 330 sqm building on a 280 sqm lot. Only in the 1600s, enough land was opened to allow people to have low buildings and much green. Many of the buildings of the 1400-1500s, are actually higher and have more floors than the newer buildings. They used to have roof gardens due to the lack of space, but so many of such buildings collapsed in the Earthquake that the building regulations were changed.

Uh - oh, the game is not only walking around (which I will have plenty of time to explain more in the following months). Business and health need to be taken of as well. The fire of the Royal Palace had devastated 1.2% of the "building shares" of the town, and caused a more than 10% drop in CKG price. Many of Martti's lowball bids were also filled and as a result, he found himself negative balance -1,873,210 m! Let's try to sort out the situation. Negative balances should not even happen as a result of the market (only of taxes and such), but if they do, happen, the character cannot buy anything until the balance is remedied.

- First, the health challenge is finished Moderate for the second year.
- Second, find out where it is possible to sell to the bids with a small profit or at least not much of a loss. RON gave a profit of 10k. The others had such a wide difference between bid and ask that they were only listed.
- Third: the reason was found. 2 stinky low bids in NPC had been filled because the promotion round was already and the next one is only in 2 years, a long time. Martti, a 16-year old farmboy now possessed two servants, a BUT-2 and a SPE-1. Their costs are 1.05 mil and 2.10 mil yearly, respectively. The total is now 4 times Martti's own salary, so something needs to be done!

Levelheaded analysis shows that BUT-2 and BUT-3 approximately make back their cost. From BUT-4 it starts to make profit ~0.6 mil/year. SPE-1 on the other hand, is a net cost of ~0.8 mil and even after one promotion, is still a drag. SPE promote slower than BUT. Only SPE-4 is decisively profitable! So we sell the SPE-1 back to the market, it was just a dream with no reality in Martti's life. The balance is left -0.7 mil negative, in the hopes that something of the listed items will be sold. No bids can be placed if balance is negative.

In the end, Martti consumes the first bottle of wine in his life - W1618W (rated 9.5/20 and therefore very cheap). It is Christmas, after all.

lauantai 23. tammikuuta 2016

November 1623 - Day 12

Almost nothing happened in the markets since last check (and there were not many offers placed because all money is tied up in pig speculation). So it is time to hopefully finish this year's health challenge as finally there are VEG on the market.

Each of the three categories of consumables originally had 4 items:
- peasant version (VEG, MEAD, CAN) for ~1,000 m per unit
- middle class (MEAT, BEER, CIG) for 4-5k (except CIG is now 30k)
- upscale (FOIE, wines, MUS) for 50k or more and
- luxury (CAV, spirits, AYA) in between 0.1 to 10 mil

The peasant diet should primarily consist on the peasant versions, because the others just get exponentially more expensive but linearly better. To keep it more interesting, though, the variety bonus is up to 4x, and is given the first time anything is consumed.

Martti has used up the variety bonus for VEG, MEAD, CAN and BEER, so the only thing he might practically want to consume for more variety, is MEAT. But it appears that its ask in the market is 8 times higher than that of VEG! Experience tells that even 4x health bonus does not make this a good deal, unless the total size of the quota is the limitation (in the case of Martti, he plans to not even use all the drink and wisdom quota, because of the negligible impact of entry level goods in those quotas).

CONSUME VEG 95 and the remaining challenge turns from Severe to Moderate! With 55 units to go, it is about time to save them for next month, to still score one frequency bonus. Bid placed for vegetables, which can be stored for the next year and not need to buy from ask.

The suit situation does not look any better, though. Instead of the 0.75 mil that the grey set was available last year, now 1.3 mil is bid without anyone selling. Moreover, 39% of the tailor workforce retired in the last "NPC kill roll" as opposed to the expected 15%. Once Martti gets enough money, he will have to scheme to get the clothes for the Jubilee, or miss out the promotion and possibly more...

perjantai 22. tammikuuta 2016

September 1623 - Day 11

The landowner Martti is excited about the war. King's forces are holding the ground victorious, and our settlements in the north have been secured. SCI advances will start right in 1624, the following year! The town has also become like an army camp, with the companies of two Dukes returned from their journeys, both scoring a decisive victory in their battles.

Both the Changelog and MyItems show no meaningful changes, with the balance at 4.6 mil, so it is time to proceed as planned and acquire the production assets before the slaughter season.

PIGs are still for sale at 2.0 mil and their annual yield is nominally worth 0.25, albeit has been much higher lately, but that is perhaps due to the war and disruptions. Since it renews itself, the IRR (Internal Rate of Return, used to compare investments) is 0.25/2.0 = 12.5%.

The other option DIS costs 0.9 mil and yields 0.1, for 0.1/0.9 = 11.1% IRR. Also this product (mead) has been much more expensive lately.

The NPCs are more difficult to evaluate, and since they are open for everyone to buy, probably their yield is lower as well. (The historical yield for NPC in 1600s has been about 3-5%, for buildings 1-3%, for CON perpetual bonds ~1% and for CKG even less.)

A balanced approach, therefore... - is to buy 2*PIG and sell the meat right as it comes, and buy DIS with the proceeds (because DIS dividend season is early next year). Other lowballs in the market are left there just in case.

The building on the new land will have to wait (building is not enabled by the game now). And the brown clothes actually suit well towards tending to 3 pigs over the winter, though they will need to be updated before the promotion round about a year from now. At present, all the money goes to pig speculation anyway.

The state of Martti's health challenge is concerning. It is still Severe, and all the entry-level consumables are at 2.5x their normal prices. Since Beer has now become a decent alternative (if no bread, let them eat cake!), an unusual move is to supplement the own stash with buying up to the total of 40*BEER and drink it and get both the variety and the frequency bonus.

Despite the move being Effective, the remaining challenge is still Severe, and Martti feels a bit worried, hoping that the remainder of the veg harvest is good.

torstai 21. tammikuuta 2016

July 1623 - Day 10

YIIPPP-PPPPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! There is no way to hold back now! Martti has become owner of Free Land lot #11, at the tender age of 16! This is how it happened - he was just hanging around when His Highness, the Mayor (Duke of North Face, etcetera) also had a free time slot, or perhaps he was thinking the fates of his troops. Anyway a conversation ensued and Martti was told that the Town does indeed have a "free land program" for L3+ : both "chicken coops" in the Needle Lane, but also sizable plots of unbuilt land in 4-SW. One total per character.

Knowing that land is permanent and buildings temporary, Martti was markedly more interested in the empty land. Already the next day - a Town clerk came to inform that the title had been transferred, with the stipulation that the building is for personal use.

Martti's belief is that even at present, this land could be sold for 5-10 mil (if it was according to rules), but later, when the area becomes more developed and its prestige grows, even 50 mil for the land only is not daydreaming. So Martti has the seed of a fortune in his hand now, and it will grow mostly without regard to what Martti does. Excellent hedge to the market activities then!

Health situation is not too good with high prices in the market. Martti opts to sell his meager 20*VEG for good money in the market, and consume 50*MEAD (that he has produced last winter due to the DIS equipment he got upon L3). After this, he is still Severe, hoping that next month, a lot more VEG would come to the market.

Now would be the time to start preparing for promotion to Novice L4, which requires proper clothes. For centuries, the tailors have made suits in 4 common, 1 noble and 1 royal color. Later, the peasant color and servant color were also acknowledged to be clothes, yet not suits.

The rules governing the colors proper to a character, are somewhat long and detailed. And basically unchanged from the prior link, written 175 years ago. In Martti's understanding, gray is the minimum level (he already had a set, but traded it away at double price). Green is a reasonable all-around choice. The next level would probably be Red, because White conveys learning, or at least study (not Martti's business) and Orange has somewhat peasanty roots (which do not need to be emphasized here, and orange needs an other suit to accompany it, as it is "the better suit").

So a lot of bids and some asks have been placed. Next month we will concentrate on checking whether to buy more productive assets (mainly pig/s) in advance of the slaugher round. Only the capital committed earns interest, dividend or profit, the capital in the monereto balance does not.

The final thing Martti hears is that 10 new player characters have started since last check, and all their initial items are now given to them!

keskiviikko 20. tammikuuta 2016

May 1623 - Day 9

The days this spring have been long with many things happening. His Majesty announced that it is time to let the Swedish pay for their foolish pride, and some troops left with the main force staying in the town for more preparations. The manor lords are recruiting militia. The church is fortifying their own haw (an ancient tax-free area in town with some strange privileges usually). Some of these things can be seen in the Main Menu -> Town Map, but mostly the storytelling happens in the Game Thread.

The winter was heavy and there are more mouths to be fed in the town due to the preparations for war. There are no vegetables for sale at all, meat costs 7,000 which is too much, and Martti already ate some herbs (which means there is no variety bonus available there anymore). To not lose the frequency bonus that reloads daily, the consumption this time is 50*MEAD, something that most probably is smart anyway. The quota is mostly unfilled, and the remaining challenge still Severe.

Martti checked that he had nearly 4.8 mil in cash only (due to many of his merchandise being sold) and decided to take a summer break, leaving things as they are, and come next time with renewed long term plans. The short term looks very good now. There was an offer of some herb-cultivation "rights" in the thread (S-CAN) that only cost an equivalent of a copper coin. To Martti's great surprise, some were still available when he reached the registry. Only 1 was allowed per character, and that adds Martti's income by ~0.1 mil per year again. In total, the salary and production shares are now as follows:

Salary - 700,000*M - 0.7 mil
Pig - 50*MEAT - 0.25 mil - 100*VEG - 0.15 mil
Herb garden - 100*CAN - 0.1 mil

Passive income is the key to getting rich, so L3 Martti prides himself of getting 1.2 mil of annual incomes. For comparison, a L17 Duke (6 characters in this or higher level exist) would have a similarly calculated income in 100s of mil, with also higher costs.

tiistai 19. tammikuuta 2016

March 1623 - Day 8

The Kingdom has experienced such a rise in political tension that it almost feels like a scene from the Three Musketeers. The power politics and everything new can be followed currently at the Ancient Game Thread, which was the first such information resource for the game, and still is considered the most authoritative.

The game "turn" goes as usual, first checking the last own transactions. 1) The rest of the Christmas meat was sold bringing the annual total yield at 0.42 mil for a 2.0 mil investment. If this rate of return were fully scalable, it would take Martti only 28 years to be billionaire. As it says in the two facades of the Hypothecary Bank - "Compound Interest is the most" - "Powerful Force in the Universe". 2) Two RAF-1 raffle tickets were acquired at 0.88 mil total, one of them did not win but the other got a dividend of 1*FOIE and is still in the game. 3) 5*FOIE was sold. 4) both BEER and WINE were acquired.

Grinding grinding.. The DIS equipment should produce mead soon; the aftermarket price for increasing capacity was not lucrative, so a bid was left. With PIG, both a lowball and a reasonable bid were placed. The intention is to buy another one closer to Christmas and hope the price stays at 2.0 mil. The NPC purhases were evaluated as well. a Kitchen Aid (KA) was lowballed, but Waitress (WAI) deemed as hopelessly slow to develop itself to a cashflow asset (would take 3 promotions), so bid was not placed despite the low market price.

VEG price has risen to 1,550 m and during the rest of the spring, all VEG will just spoil and then new will come. The challenge now is to consume something to keep getting the frequency bonus (40 units). Last time it was CAN, and nothing else in that quota is really cost-effective. Buying VEG would be costly, and meat is unthinkable. The ask for MEAD is 2,000. So, from the choices of:
- Not consume anything
- Buy VEG and consume it
- Consume (some of) the BEER bought,
Martti chooses VEG. Despite the price, it is still the mainstay of his diet.

With some insistence, Martti gets the exact terms of the Church sponsored stone housing. The 24 sqm stone houses are in the despised corner of the town, "4-NW", but have 100 sqm of land and cost 6 mil. Two may be bought, but only by characters who do not yet have a house. One of such produces 1*CUL, 1*IC to the owner per year. The raw return on investment is therefore not comparable to pigs and such, but the house has other benefits. With his planned promotion schedule, Martti is going to need it in about 4 years.

Progress Tracker
Wealth: 8/1000 mil
Level: 3/14

maanantai 18. tammikuuta 2016

January 1623 - Day 7

Beginner (L3) Martti wakes up in his shelter. In addition to the anticipated promotion, he is also 16 years old now! The next promotion round is in the Grand Jubilee (225th anniversary of His Majesty Reign). With luck on his side, he might be promoted Novice (L4) then, and Expert (L5), 2-5 years later. Then the promotion to Master (L6) would happen in the age of 30-35. These are solemn goals, but important for the reason that unless level promotion happens as scheduled, Martti cannot expect to even live much beyond 40! The advanced age health challenge is totally doable for those with unlimited money, but low-level commoners don't belong to this caste.

Martti's latest transactions (which he duly checks from 
Main Menu -> Changelog -> filter by character:Martti) include receipt of 1*THS1 Silver Ring (upon L3), 1*DIS (likewise), sales of petty amounts of drinks, and a 0.2 mil sale of MEAT at a good price. Nothing special here.

Now Martti feels qualified to go to the taverns of the town and speak to the people (clothes are still brown but at least he is L3 and owns a valuable animal, a pig!) so checks in to IRC freenode channel ##crypto-kingdom, a place where things happen whatever they are. He is happy to see Lord Syksy, the Earl of Petrichor there, and this high Nobleman even conversed with him!! The conversation did not have immediate breakthroughs, so Martti is back to take care of his own business.

Command HEALTH typed in any of the command screens gives the basic health information. Martti exults that his Health is still Excellent (something only the youth can enjoy) and annual Health Challenge is Severe (bad, but anyway easier than Brutal). Something should be eaten, so let's check the markets... only to realize that prices are quite steep for all basic foods :( And - the same for drinks! The winter is harsh so only 30g of CAN can now keep me warm.. and afterwards I feel still Severe (as expected).

When listing all the possessions for sale at updated prices (this is a must for the non-depositor businessman: everything is always for sale, if the price is right), it again happened that immediately some of the things were bought from the market. The game has 200+ accounts, and the 6h_active statistics is usually ~50 accounts.

Martti knows where to look for information and is thinking high - what if, instead of another pig, I would employ a university graduate? SPE-1 are for sale at a cheap recruiting fee (2.0 mil as we speak). The annual salary is 2.1 mil - 3 times Martti's own pay as a mixed worker. The payout formula is 3*CUL, 3*IC, 3*SCI, per year. If sold, these can be realized at 1.3 mil, leaving a net loss of 0.8 mil. But a "triple" NPC promotion round is coming - with a bit of luck, he would be promoted to SPE-2 and still produce a loss but only 0.2 mil. The important thing is that this one is such close to a profitable SPE-3 that even the SPE-2 has a 8.5 mil ask!

Judging that it is late, he dismisses the thought and feels content to list the low bids and high asks, while congratulating "Little Erin", a L3 character who dared to apply to be a Lord of the Manor and actually got accepted due to a miraculous lack of other applicants:
- I could do everything she can, yet I did not, for the life of me, dare to apply - now she has a manor with 30 mil annual income, and I have a pig...

sunnuntai 17. tammikuuta 2016

December 1622 - Day 6

Martti's last month this year, and hopefully the last in level L2. The first thing is to check if the pig so shrewdly bought last month, has been slaughtered...

But what a market-season it has been. Since last logout, Martti's few bids and asks in the market have produced the following results:

- 150*BEER sold
- 10*W1618W bought at 11,200 m per bottle (mamaa.. I have wine!!)
- 1*RAF-1 raffle ticket bought at 112,900 m
- 100*MEAD bought
- more CAN bought

- WOS-G suit sold
- WOS-F suit sold
- 4*MEAD spoiled (so the FOIE and RAF-tickets were unaffected!)
- and, importantly: 50*MEAT produced as PIG "dividend"!

Money in the purse is: 2.6 mil. But before there is time to enjoy that, new clothes must be bought without delay as both the previous sets were sold during sleep! This of course was not the intention but if you stretch, sometimes it breaks.. The market readily offers downgrade to WOS-G (brown clothes) which has to be accepted for now, after which money is at 1.9 mil.

The health is hopefully finished by some mead: CONSUME MEAD 40:

The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Moderate. I could still eat 0, drink 110 and use 150 units of wisdom this year.

The urge to finish the health challenge with more mead, and some wine, and the herbs (all exist in Martti's inventory) is ever-present. We will exercise restraint and leave it to Moderate this time.

Martti also realized that he holds 1 ticket of 5889 in the raffle that has a restaurant in Old Town and a 4-horse carriage as prizes (among others). He was lucky once, so why not twice? :) Both bids and asks placed for tickets. - The ticket was sold in a minute! "Now with this profit I have deserved a Christmas present", Martti thinks and buys the coveted Ming porcelain soup bowl (without spoon). Next month will be a big one, and the whole year!

perjantai 15. tammikuuta 2016

November 1622 - Day 5

Martti continues operating in the market. Of the various lowball bids and long asks, some have been matched by another player! Let's check how much money was made. The listing is from Change Log, filtered by player and newest only:

74119DividendVEG28King (1)Martti (210)Dividend JpHcuC531516.01.16 07:14VEG 4th round 1622
73877SellM200055Martti (210)djjacket (31)BUY_692615.01.16 05:21
73876SellFOIE5djjacket (31)Martti (210)BUY_692615.01.16 05:210
73778BuyM1049850Troy (55)Martti (210)ASK_1024915.01.16 11:56
73777BuyMEAT150Martti (210)Troy (55)ASK_1024915.01.16 11:560
73739BuyM16793serje (20)Martti (210)ASK_1006215.01.16 10:06
73738BuyCAN7Martti (210)serje (20)ASK_1006215.01.16 10:060

It takes some patience to read because money (m) is treated as an item, so every trade consists of 2 rows, one for the moving of money, the other for the merchandise. The 7 rows above therefore, refer to 4 separate events:
- Purchase by serje of 7*CAN
- Purchase by Troy of 150*MEAT
- Sale by djjacket of 5*FOIE
- Dividend of 28*VEG, with
note "VEG 4th round 1622"

The winter is soon coming and these were the last vegetables coming in. What happens next with the market is 3 "spoil" rounds in the first half of the year:
- First because it is too cold
- Second because the VEG is getting old
- Third because the summer has come.
Right now should be the cheapest time to eat VEG, and the market does not disappoint. Own produce is consumed and more bought @ 989. As a result, the health challenge turned Moderate, and the plan is to finish it tomorrow with about 50*MEAD.

A quick analysis shows that meat was even sold cheaply comparing to the current ask of 7,999 m! But it will come down...

The purchase of FOIE @ 40,011 was for resale, but at what price? Market ask is 64,000. Because the new batch is coming in next month, and annual spoiling the month after that, the price may be pressured. 59,750 was selected as a magic number.

At this point, the cooling air had lead Martti to dream about fatty meat again. Some months ago was the season for taking pigs, but everything was so new and pig cost such much (2.0 mil). Martti took the garden instead then at 0.5 mil and was stunned now to see the ask price increased to 1.1 mil in the aftermarket!

But pigs are still available at 2.0 mil.. the price includes the facility, and Martti knows how to take care of them, and the meat is at a high price, and the slaughter season (for dividends) is next month... SOLD!

After some more adjustments of bids and asks - Martti is almost penniless as long as money balance goes, after the pig purchase - it is time to take rest in the free shelter, and dream about the pig who frankly has about equal conditions (or better, since the church is cold, which the pigs cannot stand).

September 1622 - Day 4

Last time Martti checked that the basics are in order, so it is time to try to scrape some money from somewhere. A good starting point is to check either the latest transactions (Main Menu -> Change Log, filter by character, and if necessary by item) or the View my items -toggle in Agora, which also can be filtered by item type.

Today he is happy to see 2 developments:
- The "field" bought, has produced so much VEG that some of it actually already spoiled in the heat but 52 is left.
- More than half of the CAN listed, is now sold at the sweet price of 2,399 m/g.

Wandering around the place in Town Map will have to take place later. The town is full of opportunities for a cunning merchant, and Martti spends quite a while to examine the ones suitable for his ~2 mil purse, and ends up casting the following hooks:
- VEG market has come to 950/900 with large amounts on both sides. This is normal, and therefore does not alter Martti's decision to eat his new produce. After 40*VEG, Martti's health challenge is still Significant, with lots of quota, and some time, left.
- MEAT seems to be peaking in price; a lucky listing at 6,999 m might bring home profits just as CAN did earlier.
- Ever since the Ming China came to town, Martti has wanted to have a soup bowl (MIN-3)! At home, such luxury can be found in the Manor house, if even there, and Martti has not been inside. An amicable bid is left at 0.24 mil for the item.
- WOS-F Servant Grey Clothes caught attention. It costs 1.05 mil to even produce them, yet one set was for sale for 0.72! Bought and re-listed at the correct price of 1.5 mil, and if it does not sell, nvm because this was anyway on the shopping list very soon.
- Various lowballs bids were left. The system allows the aggregate bid amounts to exceed the money balance.

There are 4 types of investing, applicable to this game as well as anything else:

1. Buying low, selling high.
2. Making markets (doing the above, but both sides at the same time).
3. Making the money work for you (investment with a fixed or variable annual profit).
4. Gambling method (buying whatever as long as the EV - expected value of return - is good, and usually calling to the end).

Despite his meager means, Martti has already embarked on all of them:

1. Several bids have been placed with the intention that some of them will sometimes bring in goodies. Simultaneously the suit is listed at a bit toppy 1.5 mil.
2. CAN market both sides are frontrun by Martti.
3. The field brings in VEG every year (and twice since last login ;) )
4. Bids for RAF-1 tickets have been placed. If they are hit, and win, it is likely that the luxury goods won will be put for sale, a 15-yo former peasant has none whatsoever use for wine that is older than him, or Venetian mirrors in 1 sqm sheets!

Success Tracker

Wealth: 5/1000 mil
Level: 2/14

torstai 14. tammikuuta 2016

July 1622 - Day 3

Martti awakens from his good sleep, determined to make basic things in order as soon as possible. In CK, the player characters (PC - there are many other types of characters as well) need predominantly 3 things - consumables, clothes and dwelling. Health challenge is evaluated every year, and if improperly managed, will decrease the health of the character. Martti will need a long life to achieve his goals, so let's dwell on the health challenge a bit further.

The main foods are vegetables and meat, and the annual quota of 200 units is always best to be fulfilled. The drinks vary greatly, with mead and beer being the most affordable. Green herbs also bring some health benefit.

Because Martti already had his incoming feast with the more expensive things, it is now time to turn to the cheaper ones. He goes to Agora Marketplace and navigates himself to check the VEG market situation (Main Menu -> Agora Marketplace -> Food -> VEG). It is July, so the fresh vegetables have just come to town!

Even though the price 2,800 is much higher than the usual ~1,000, there is a health bonus for consuming the very first produce. It is a shame to let it go, so Martti buys 50*VEG with the intention of eating them right away.

The command for buying in the market is BUY item_id quantity maxprice in this case BUY VEG 50 2800. After eating, Martti feels the remaining health challenge to be Significant. This is quite something for vegetables, Martti smiles, and hopes to close this year's challenge at Moderate or better, with little extra spending!

Because the frequency bonus for consuming reloads slowly, that is enough for daily bread. Next thing to assess are clothes. New PC start with one set of Peasant Brown Clothes (WOS-G). They are good to start with, but have 2 disadvantages: they may spoil randomly at any time (as do all clothes) and being spotted without clothes is a misdemeanor punishable with fines. This can be handled with having 2 sets - it is unlikely that they spoil at the same time - or by monitoring the situation and buying new ones so soon that the marshall does not catch you. And the other disadvantage is that they prevent level promotions beyond L3, which Martti of course little cares being on L2 himself.

House situation is currently in order, as a newcomer, Martti can sleep in Church peasant care and not even pay anything! A house is only required for L5, but of course should be an earlier priority.

But that will have to wait - there is money to be made! Martti heard that Town has recently opened up a common garden where vegetables can be grown. First units go for 0.5 mil, which is doable given Martti's limited means, and should produce annually 100*VEG! Even the remainder of the same year production is included, so this is a slam dunk deal! Only 1 per character is allowed anyway.

There are also Mead cooking pots and pigs in the market but they will have to wait for a better time (and also more money since pigs cost 2 mil each). Getting sustenance production in order is a key so that as much of the coming salaries could be spared for the businesses!

Before going, Martti remembers to list the mother's herbs for sale. The CAN market is very wide with ask at 2,400 and bid at 1,400. Whispering a silent prayer, Martti enters SELL CAN 450 2399, eagerly awaiting if there is a catch before next month.

keskiviikko 13. tammikuuta 2016

May 1622 - Day 2

Martti wakes up hungry, but full of plans for gold and glory. First let us see what starting items he got! An easy way to check the items balances is to take the Main Menu (3 bars icon on the upper left) and Agora Marketplace from there. Then click button View My Items:

2,000,000 * M
500 * CAN (Green Herbs)
200 * MEAT (Meat)
200 * BEER (Beer)
1 * WOS-G (Peasant Brown Clothes)

Oh wow! I have my clothes and the 500*CAN taken with me from the country because it is easy to transport (both are starting items given to each new character hopefully within 24 hours of register). But not only that - The Prince of Soul did give his promised gift and anonymous donators gave strong and healthy foods.

Before planning any further, let us have a look at the Health Challenge. It is a main character management feature in the game when we don't yet have skills, trades, etc. Keeping yourself in good health is important because otherwise you die, losing all the immaterial things, while assets remain in the estate and can be transferred.

Martti clicks item MEAT, which takes him to a trading view. Meat is currently offered for sale at 5,250 m and bought at 5,120 m. A quick calculation makes this gift to be worth ~1 mil! At this point Martti has learned that the townspeople use the word "mil" to refer "million units of currency", which is the same value as 1 XMR (about $0.50 atm).

Here is a command box, the main method of asking things to happen in the game. Command HEALTH gives the health report, which for a 15-year old boy looks like this:


You may still eat 200 units, drink 200 units and use 200 units of wisdom this year. Your remaining health challenge is Severe. Your overall health is Excellent.
There is a recent guide on the health challenge basics, and also an advanced one. For Martti, it is sufficient to understand that he does not eat meat every day (it is expensive) nor drink beer (same).

Even the 500*CAN that Mother so carefully packed in the brown pouch, is not foremost meant for consumption but to be sold to the market and bartered for other more urgently needed items. CAN is excellent for transporting value, because 1 kilo of CAN has approximately the same value as 20 kilos of foie gras, 200 kilos of meat, 1 ton of vegetables, or 100 tons of building stone.

Severe is actually 'good news' as regards Health Challenge (the other option being Brutal, which is worse. To give good thoughts to the benefactors, and alleviate the hunger, Martti decides to feast the best he has ever done - 50*MEAT, 50*BEER, 50*CAN and think about other things after this invigoration. CONSUME MEAT 50 (and similarly for others) is the command, and the final consumption report is:


The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 150, drink 150 and use 150 units of wisdom this year.

The remaining health challenge stays Severe after quite a time, and should not be left such in the end of the year. The better ratings after Severe are all acceptable depending on the circumstances. There is plenty of quota left.

Many things await for to be explored, but we will take a break here and let's go to the functions of the market tomorrow!

tiistai 12. tammikuuta 2016

March 1622 - Day 1

Martti arrives to CryptoTown from the countryside near town. He has been to the town many times as a kid, but now he is 15, and the time has come for him to seek fame and mammon. Martti has set a few goals for his life:
- Become a billionaire (wealth 1,000,000,000 m) in his lifetime;
- Become an Earl (L14) in his lifetime;
- Never accept unrighteous gain or unfair privilege;
- Not log in to play more than once per day, except one extra time per week, bots and scripts allowed;
- Never deposit nor withdraw money, and pass all his belongings to the successor.

Martti exists to let the Gamemaster play as a commoner and feel first-hand the pitfalls in the gameplay. He posts short updates here.

Martti was able to register in the game using this link. The "email" asked is not mandatory, but it is currently the only way to recover password. There is no way to recover it unless email is provided, so since Martti has nothing to hide, he gave the email. (Later, anonymous recovery will be provided.)

Martti goes to MyCharacter, and does not even see his name except in the small box in the left. It is time to Edit character (small link in the upper centre). Since Martti being a countryboy does not have a surname, and there are no other Martti's in town, he is content with that as a Full name. He does not see any promotions, so the Title will also simply be "Martti". Clicking "back" from the browser a few times, he comes back to the MyCharacter, and sees "Martti" displayed in 5 different places. That'll do.

The info box on the left shows:
Born: 1607
Start year: 1622
Age now: 15
Character ID: 210
Level: 2 Stranger 

Success Tracker
wealth: 0 / 1,000,000,000
level: 2 / 14

HE The Prince of Soul has promised to give 2,000,000 m to each new character who register and update their Full Name and Title as Martti did above (this is a sort of captcha). The gift will be administered manually, and Martti hopes to start his next day with having more money than he ever did. HM The King has given 225*RAF-1 tickets worth about 4,500,000 m to all the characters up to id=208, and from id=209, this Prince of Soul starting gift takes effect. Every new character will also bring their WOS-G (Peasant Brown Clothes) with them, and that is added to the Items after some delay as well.

Martti wants to make clear the unrighteous gain or unfair privilege oath. At present, it means he can accept all gifts, donations and incomes that result from his status as a character, and have nothing to do with his person. All things that are given to all similar characters are accepted. Personal gifts, however, can not be accepted in excess of the value of 1,000,000 m per giver, at present at least. Martti is wary of strings attached and if necessary, too large gifts will be returned.

Martti tightens his belt for both lack of warm food, and because of the spring cold, and seeks the nearest peasant shelter, finding one, and starts dreaming about the future.