lauantai 12. maaliskuuta 2016

November 1630 - Day 60-61

The tailor business is about as interesting as watching paint dry, or about as intriguing as being a new car salesman in an online store!  Martti thinks as he has now invested about 20 mil in TAI-x NPC's and is eager to get the products and sell them (which actually happens in 2 years(!) frequency for most of them), but even then the selling happens online with no salesman gimmicks. He is bored before it has even started... 

At least the dragon quest was a complete and unadulterated success. Why?
- Upon closer inspection, the ring HE Prince Noms gave, is the GAGR (given to everyone in the Golden Jubilee, the letters stand for Golden Anniversary Gold Ring), so it's like QJB (which Martti has) with the difference that it is 175 years older, dating back to the the time when Monero House was just built and the wall behind it marked the perimeter of the town, and it is solid gold, and way more rare.

=> it is a helluva lot more valuable than Martti first thought - one had been sold for 15 mil years ago, p.o. (not including the gold), and now only some nobles with questionable reputation such as The Marquess of Rome (who is also supporting Martti) and Princess Roopatra of Neverland (self-appointed provider of all memorabilia, who still manages to upkeep a gold unicorn and is in TOP-5 in the building sqm and rental incomes), are listing them, for prices up to 50 mil!! Goes without saying that Martti cannot even think of selling his, unless his loans go bust, which is indeed a typical case for valuables to honorably change owner.

- The dragon was not slain and - while Martti heard this only via a messenger - the princes Noms and Crichton have concentrated all their armies in White Cross and Crichton (the Margrave of Plath) is in charge this time. It is possible to apply for new quests and this seemed to become a matter of principle for them. For Martti, it means new experience and possibly a small compensation again.

The King wrote an obituary for the Bishop, his first subject in the game (char_id=2). The Bishop just died in the age of 268. Martti's own health was declined some years ago already, to Good. Next steps are Decent, Weak, Ailing and Dead. The prices in the consumables markets are now down between 0-30% and since Martti needs to blow the full amount of CAN to increase his wisdom - it also has a small positive side effect on health - the health is not the pressing issue.

In total, 35 characters died in the recent grading without much ceremony. The promotion of those who were spared, should be coming. This is not a spoon-fed game with a half-an-hour tutorial accepting only one mouse click in the assigned place at the time (only heard it's half an hour, quit much earlier). Town life in the 1600s requires taking the reins of your own life, which in this early stage means seeking for the information sources, such as this, and applying it for yourself, to your game self. We all wait for the game to bloom, but if you only wait, and don't observe, you'll never see it!

The game is blooming relatively much, compared to just a few decades ago. A recent addition is the exchange integration allowing the 10,000s of accountholders in some exchanges to buy CKG. What might that do to the price that is now at € 1 million marketcap and somewhat tightly held?? The people who buy ETH up to a billion range, might consider a project that supports itself and pays dividends, has users, and is valued at 1:1000. (Or perhaps they don't, for the very reason).

Martti's CKG balance consists of 5 CKG, which is about median in the game. The average being about 5,000 CKG, wealth equality is not the goal here.

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