lauantai 20. helmikuuta 2016

November 1627 - Day 40

18 mil of borrowed money in the account is burning Martti, but Lord Angus is nowhere to be found with his red suit. What Martti is calculating to do and why he is suddenly willing to purchase an ancient suit worth several years' wages - this can be understood by looking up the Suit Spoil table values in the Game DB (go to tab "NPCtypes"):

The new suits are not as good quality as the (remaining) Ancient ones. Martti has a 20% chance every 3 years that a great moth eats his suit. The old red one has only 7% chance. Since modern red suits cost about 10 mil apiece (it is the most expensive non-unique suit both to buy and especially to upkeep), it makes sense to pay up to 25-30 mil for the ancient one, based on the durability. It is very rare and potentially valuable yes of course, if it survives multiple additional rounds of great moth. But Martti's scheming is based on lifecycle value (expected annual upkeep cost), pure and simple.

It behooves the mind that the country boy who came to the town with only 500*CAN in a brown bag, is already the owner of 2 houses and one land, considers buying a suit worth more than the houses and lands combined, has 10 pieces of Ming China, a powerful sword, and - a horse!

The horse upkeep already happened for next year, so Martti decided to maximize his chances of getting the L5 promotion by buying the horse now.

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